Monday, October 24, 2005

House Concert at Jim and Llouise's

Just want to say how much I enjoyed seeing and hearing Eric Schwartz at Jim and Llouise's house concert. Definitely not a fun for the whole family performance. As Eric said after one sing along, "I've got the whole thing on tape and none of you will be able to run for public office."

Met with a friend of mine on Friday and we talked about psychedelic/garage rock bands and how one band, Mind Garage, had been one of the first to put out a rock mass. This had me think of the content of some folk shows, which are at times conversational, but also liturgical, in their nature. You have love songs and songs of pleading (psalms), murder ballads (Old Testament lesson), call and response, homilies, and sometimes a great deal of talk about a new covenant. Brothers and sisters, I hope you know what I'm talking about. Schwartz provided much of this along with a few songs mentioning genitalia. Don't miss him the next time he's in town.

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