Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Jack Erdie Sez . . .

You think you know folk music?

I've been peripherally involved with Three Penny Opry,
the brainchild of Robert Wagner, since its conception.
We had a strong start. The Opry has given a lot of local
acoustic (and some electric; and ALL eclectic) performers
a venue when they otherwise may have been at home, woodshedding
with instructional DVDs.

Anyway, it might be time for a blood transfusion. Some new faces
in the audience.

Here's what I propose:

A Musical Public Forum on Folk Music, (or a FOLK OFF!).

I'd like to invite you, and all your friends to invite all their friends,
enemies, associates, to come and state their views, ask their
questions, make their arguments for or against the continued
existence of folk music.

We, the performers, including John Wells, Robert Wagner, and
myself, will respond to all heckling and serious queries. We will
sometimes respond with debate and facts, and other times we
will respond with a song that seems to answer, abet, or refute
your contribution to the discussion.

So, invite the hip-hoppers, the punkers, the rockers, the jazz purists,
the classical afficionados, the goths, the technos, the rockabilliards in
your lives to come out and square off against FOLK MUSIC, the mother
of you all!

And if you think you know folk music, think again.

Your Servant in Song,

Jack Erdie

And if you're interested in my new lyrics and stories
jump over to and peruse my blog!


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