Initially, Captain Kirk was surprised that Starfleet had assigned a female Yeoman to his command. However, after seeing Rand's efficient work ethic in action, Kirk grew to respect her as a crew member and friend. Despite their professional relationship, an undercurrent of sexual attraction remained between the two. Kirk, however, could not requite the feelings Rand felt for him, due to his position as ship's captain. Nevertheless, he was strongly attracted towards her, which became obvious in stressful situations.
If you're wondering what to expect on Saturday, here are some words from's Filk 101 page:
Traditionally a filksinger is someone who comes from the Science Fiction Fannish community. They have also tended to be amateur performers and songwriters because they do this once in a while and they don't do it to make any kind of money, they do it because it is fun. There are exceptions to this where a handful of Filksingers are professional musicians and some professional musicians have hung out with us filkers not knowing what the Science Fiction Fannish community is. But generally speaking most filksingers just attend the late-night filk singing circles at conventions (often these events are not even mentioned in the program book, but one learns where to go). Eventually, they may wind up attending monthly filk house sings (See Chapter 3, What is a House Filk) or even a filk convention where people do nothing but sing and listen to singers.
In recent years some fans have gotten very good at performing. This performer is a new hybrid of filksingers who is a semi-professional where they are good enough that they a have been recorded and their material has been put onto CDs. We call them semi-professional not because of their quality but because they are not trying to make a living from performing and recording, they are mainly doing for the fun of it. These performers CDs' are not sold in stores and have almost no distribution. They are sold at conventions, the Internet and occasionally get airplay on Dr. Demento or other small radio shows.
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