Thursday, June 08, 2006

Saturday, June 10th

The Threepenny Opry presents John Goberish (of The Distractions) and Jeff DeSantis (of One Big Dakota) along with a little bass and drum rhythm section.

These guys have great melodies and harmonies, interesting observations about the world, and they are making the trek all the way from Beaver County.

Feel free to bring your instruments because at the conclusion of the show, we're going to have an informal song-swap, in-the-round type thing, a little sing around the campfire, so to speak. We'll continue to do this every week throughout the summer.

As you know, we pass a hat for "love offerings" in lieu of demanding a cover-charge, but we hope you'll be generous. Children are welcome if accompanied by parent, and there is no smoking in the back room. The music starts at 9 p.m.

Sponsored by Calliope

Enjoy a Yuengling!


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